Konstantin Raudive (Pronounced Row-dee-vay)
was a Latvian psychologist and parapsychologist who studied under Carl Yung. In
the '60s he carried-out many EVP experiments and devised a method where the
microphone was replaced with a germanium diode device,
essentially a de-tuned 'crystal set'. This has become known as a 'Raudive Diode'. Raudive
made recordings using a 'Raudive Diode' receiver connected to the microphone
socket of a tape recorder. During the recording session he asked questions, encouraging
the dead to communicate with him. On playing back the tape, voices were heard
on the recording. These became known as 'Raudive Voices'. His work was
published in his 1971 book 'Breakthrough'. Raudive died in 1974.
Because there is no "actual" microphone on this device, and it mainly uses the Germanium Diode as a receiver, there should be no ambient noise recorded when using the Raudive Diode. If you do want or need the ambient noise recorded, such as questions asked, noises made etc...then a second recorder is needed. However as far as I know, there are two makes of recorders that will allow the internal mic to be used at the same time as an external. The Sony recorders and the Zoom recorders. There are many different types of Raudive Diodes out there, below are some pictures of different models.
Currently I am working on my own Raudive Diode which will be totally different internally and externally. (my version is pictured below)
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