Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Cameras VS. Monitors/TV's

I wrote this blog in order to educate some people and to keep people from falling prey to a huge money making sceem. I'll try not to get to technical as most people like to keep things simple. Most of the people in the paranormal community, whether they watch all the TV shows and think its cool to go ghost hunting, try to help people by investigating in there home and telling them yep it haunted or those that do this to try and find proof, always want the newest gadget out there. And there's nothing wrong with that, but as I have said before and will always repeat myself...RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH.

With that said, there are a number of cameras out there that shoot in numerous resolutions. The most common are HD, 4K and 1 paranormal TV show actually claims to shoot in 6K. Now there are also a lot of HD cameras out there that are labeled 4K when they really are only HD cams with that label in order to up the price a bit. A true 4K camera will cost a bit more true. Now you can't purchase a 6K camera, if you could it would be ridiculous in price, especially since there are no 6K TV's or monitors on the market, so I won't even get into the whole "we use a special 6K full spectrum cam to film with" paranormal TV/Soap Opera/Reality show.

Now to get to my point (finally huh), No matter what resolution camera is used to shoot the footage, it will only be as high of resolution as the monitor/TV it is being watched on. Example: if your using a 4K camera to shoot footage, and the monitor it is being seen on is 1080, then it will only be 1080, not 4K. Another example: if your using an HD camera to shoot the footage, but the monitor/TV is 4K, it is still only going to be seen in 1080 because that is the resolution of the camera. And if you really believe the scenario about the 6K camera, it will only be as good as the TV you are watching the program on.

So to sum things up: cameras are being labeled as 4K just as a way for some companies to make extra cash don't get fooled. I'M NOT SAYING THERE ARE NO 4K CAMERAS OUT THERE, just use your common sense and RESEARCH, RESEARCH RESEARCH.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Coming Soon By PIE!!! The SRRD (Self Recording Raudive Diode)

Coming next month by PIE the SRRD!!! This piece of equipment is a Raudive Diode that records without having to plug it into any recorder or other device. The way this item works: it has its own internal 8gb storage, it also has its own rechargeable battery. With a full charge it will run and record for 15 hours, it has a on/off switch, led light (to show when its recording, when it was shut off, low battery and charging). Its easy to upload the files it records to the computer via USB (that is also the way it charges). Basically you just turn it on and continue your investigation. It is small enough to either be hand held or just sit on a table when doing an EVP session. I also build a basic Raudive Diode that plugs into a recorder. If your not familiar with the Raudive Diode or have questions about how it works, email me at, contact me from my website or message me on Facebook.