Sunday, March 29, 2015

IR-UV Filter, allows Full Spectrum cameras to be used as regular cameras as well.

IR/UV  Filter (hot mirror)
 It blocks out both the higher frequency ultraviolet rays and lower frequency infrared light rays. This is important to digital photographers as the CCD and CMOS sensors found in our cameras are extremely susceptible to catching UV and IR rays just outside the visible spectrum that have a very negative impact on image quality.
The filter offers even greater versatility than is already found in a combination UV-IR filter due to its front and rear threads. They permit stackable standard-size filters to be attached, giving you even more filter effect options, while also accommodating a standard lens cap as well.
Another benefit to using the UV-IR filter is that it can also reduce the effects of atmospheric haze to a greater degree than would be found with a standard UV filter. This means that sharper images with more depth and finer, richer color gradations are possible when utilizing the filter’s effects in your photography. This combination filter is a convenient option for those who seek a clearer and sharper image when captured outdoors, while getting the benefits of two filters in one. This filter can be purchased at Paranormal Investigations Equipment

Monday, March 16, 2015


Konstantin Raudive (Pronounced Row-dee-vay) was a Latvian psychologist and parapsychologist who studied under Carl Yung. In the '60s he carried-out many EVP experiments and devised a method where the microphone was replaced with a germanium diode device,
essentially a de-tuned 'crystal set'. This has become known as a 'Raudive Diode'. Raudive made recordings using a 'Raudive Diode' receiver connected to the microphone socket of a tape recorder. During the recording session he asked questions, encouraging the dead to communicate with him. On playing back the tape, voices were heard on the recording. These became known as 'Raudive Voices'. His work was published in his 1971 book 'Breakthrough'. Raudive died in 1974.
Because there is no "actual" microphone on this device, and it mainly uses the Germanium Diode as a receiver, there should be no ambient noise recorded when using the Raudive Diode. If you do want or need the ambient noise recorded, such as questions asked, noises made etc...then a second recorder is needed. However as far as I know, there are two makes of recorders that will allow the internal mic to be used at the same time as an external. The Sony recorders and the Zoom recorders. There are many different types of Raudive Diodes out there, below are some pictures of different models.

 Currently I am working on my own Raudive Diode which will be totally different internally and externally. (my version is pictured below)

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Ghost Box Communication Explained

by Bruce Halliday
LSC (Live Spirit Communication) is the practice of using a device known as a “Box” or “Ghost Box” to facilitate real time, Live Spirit Communication between the researcher and a non physical entity, presumably the spirits of disembodied human beings.
The “Box” is merely a device that enables the reception of radio signals and dices them up into small bits and pieces or fragments of sound by sweeping the chosen band at a fast enough rate so that the dial does not stop on any one station.
This prevents ghost boxes from delivering any whole or solid words of radio broadcast. This broken down signal is in turn broadcast through the boxes speaker thereby allowing the entity to use the fragments of sound for the purpose of communication enabling him or her to be heard live by the researcher as they communicate and also to have the communication not being heard live to be recorded by the communicator performing the session.
The theory is that an entity will use whatever bits of radio fragments it needs to form words and sentences. Through years of research I have come to a theory that the communication is formed as the sound leaves the speaker or the headphones respectively. That is what allows us to hear the responses in real time.
LSC/Ghost box communication should never be mistaken for traditional EVP is very simple in theory it only incorporates a recorder and a willing spirit. The theory is that the spirit uses the raw energy in the surrounding area of the recorder to form words and place them directly onto the recording media. I did traditional EVP in the field for 8 years and only gleaned about ten quality A+ EVP’s the rest were static whispers that had to be edited to death just to hear if there was something there.
With LSC there is some editing to be done but it all revolves around getting rid of the unwanted garbage sounds that are not utilized by the communicating entity and are merely a byproduct of the boxes sweep thus leaving only the communication, some files of communication may also have the playback speed slowed a bit due to the affect that a fast box sweep will deliver rapid communication that may be hard to understand by the laymen listening to the file, the volume can also be altered to a certain degree so that a very low communication or the opposite, a very loud communication can be adjusted to a comfortable listening level. This process does not alter, add or subtract anything to or from the spirit communication contained within the file.
With the boxes I personally am averaging about 25 to 30% hearing of real time messages, the rest are heard when reviewing the recording.
A Ghost box sweeps at a fast rate so it takes time to develop a skill for hearing the real time communication the novice will immediately start to hear the “yes” and “no” type of answers and even a “name” as the entities attempt to communicate.
New communicators do not hear much in real time at the beginning, hearing spirit communication live during a ghost box session takes some experience, there is a learning and development curve.
Most if not all new Ghost Box Communicators will have to develop what we experienced LSC veterans call “An Ear For the communication” this means only that the longer you practice LSC the more attuned your hearing will become to recognizing and hearing spirit communication live during a session. It is like a piano tuner, an apprentice will have to tune the piano using aids like a tuning fork but the seasoned piano tuner will be able to basically tune by ear just listening to the notes and knowing when they are correct. Same principle!
Box communication is ideal for both stationary research performed in a controlled environment and also field research conducted by Paranormal investigators on location.
There are a number of various boxes in use today, these boxes include of course the various radio shack and other hack boxes the paranormal puck and various models of the Mini Boxes also periodically an original Frank’s or Joe’s Box.
I would like to clear up a misnomer: quite a few individuals that become interested in the field of LSC are mistakenly calling Ghost boxes “Frank’s Boxes” The Frank’s Box was the original model of ghost box and there is only 13 individuals in the world that own them of which I have 2, they are antiquated and obsolete. The boxes that these new individuals are referring to are hack boxes and they are mistakenly calling them a Frank’s box. Just wanted to clear that up!
Most of these boxes are not being used by the majority of paranormal investigators and researchers, the older boxes such as the original Frank’s box and the Joe’s box are antiquated and are only used sporadically by a couple of researchers that are doing controlled research myself included.
The main boxes in use today are a couple of the hack boxes, the “Radio Shack 12-469″ which was readily available to most until Radio Shack discontinued it recently. And now the “Jensen SAB-55″ seems to have taken the place of the RS 12-469 as the popular go to box for most communicators and investigators today.
There are a couple of more popular hacks being used such as the Radio Shack hack 20-125 which was my box of choice before I created the Jensen SAB-55, the 20-125 sadly has also been put on the chopping block by Radio Shack. There have been a couple of other RS hacks recently but they have not caught on do to inherent flaws of lack of performance.
This information is the meat and potatoes of LSC/Ghost Box Communication please feel free to use any or all the information, my main goal in this field is to further the communication between our world and our friends in the spirit world and to distribute correct and positive information about the communication and its technology.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


These modified cameras are taking over the ghost hunting world because of there size and abilities. Either of the two cams come in regular or wifi versions, on the wifi versions the wifi can be turned on/off . There is also a 1.5" screen on the back of both versions that are great when using the cam as static or mobile to see what the cam is shooting. Both fit a wide assortment of accessories. Personally I use these for static cams as I don't like to carry a cam around with me, but I may in the future get a shoulder harness. A lot of teams (including the one I am affiliated with) have set there dvr's aside using these cameras strictly. These cams record both audio and video to an sd card and is easily review-able without having to download anything. Also there are no wires to run or having to tape wires down so they don't get tripped over making setup time much faster. If the wifi version is being used, there is a free app that can be downloaded to an Android phone, tablet or iPhone or tablet that lets one not only control the recording of the device but each wifi cam has its own ip address so there is an option to view up to 4 cams at a time.They do need a light source either ambient light, full spectrum light or IR light. Below is an adapter and filter that let the full spectrum modified camera act as an un-modified camera making the one camera act as two by just sliding on the adapter and screwing the filter to it.

With this filter adapter one can place the hot mirror filter or many other 37mm filters. The adapter can easily be slid off and on. The camera (both versions), the adapter and the hot mirror filter as well as many IR filters can be found and purchased by clicking this link and going to Paranormal Investigations Equipment

Here is a video I did of the filter working.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


HORRIBLE FLAW IN COMMON EM PUMP DESIGN: Now, the summary of many flaws with the "common" "EM Pumps" and EMF detectors. The most serious flaw will be targeted first, that of the conventional "EM Pump", which consists of a magnet (often a powerful rare earth magnetic or neodymium magnets) spinning around a motor. Paranormal theorists say that the spinning magnets interacts with the wires within the motor and generator a huge surplus in EMF. In reality, the design of the common motor sets of the AC-based EMF detector, as well as a spinning magnet, but they really have nothing to do with each other, and when assimilated are working separately, and not in unison. In my video, I try a basic experiment in which a rubber band is attached to a powerful magnet, the rubber band is twisted a great number of times and then, in the present of an EMF detector, the energy of the twisted band is released. A magnetic simple spinning at high speeds will generate a strong response from an EMF detector. It relatively small magnetic field (the poles and their sizes form a figure-8) stays the same size the whole time. 

Now we must look at the two items, the magnet and the motor when they are combined, and see what forces are generated by their synthesis. A spinning magnet over a coil of wire (coils do exist in a motor), will generated electricity, i.e. a current running through the wires of the coil. Keep in mind though, a current is already going through the coils, which is what is making the motor spin in the first place. The effects of these two currents interacting I honestly am not totally sure, but overall, no great amount of current is generated, something which in an electromagnet can greatly increase the EMF output. Of course, there a great number of motor designs, but often, in electrical motors, the coils are not even wrapped around an iron core (I think), which would greatly limit EMF output.

To sum up my conclusions of combining a magnetic with a motor in which the magnet spins around the motor, the main amount of EMF generated is simply that put out by the motor- the magnet has nothing to do with it. The magnet spinning is the main thing that triggers the EMF detector, and that can be done without any electrical items attached to the magnet.

Stated in a different way, the biggest flaw with the common "EM Pump" is that it doesn't work. Common electromagnets put out more EMF, that is the type with a ferromagnetic core and a wire coil going around the outside. Using these principles, cars are lifted and moved around in junkyards...pretty powerful, right?

Visit The Paranormal Investigations Equipment Website HERE!!!


An electromagnetic field (also EMF or EM field) is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field. The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes theelectromagnetic interaction. It is one of the four fundamental forces of nature (the others are gravitation, weak interaction and strong interaction).

The field can be viewed as the combination of an electric field and a magnetic field. The electric field is produced by stationary charges, and the magnetic field by moving charges (currents); these two are often described as the sources of the field. The way in which charges and currents interact with the electromagnetic field is described by Maxwell's equations and the Lorentz force law.

From a classical perspective in the history of electromagnetism, the electromagnetic field can be regarded as a smooth, continuous field, propagated in a wavelike manner; whereas from the perspective of quantum field theory, the field is seen as quantized, being composed of individual particles.

Visit The Paranormal Investigations Equipment Website HERE


On the issue of negative ions, I've had some questions come to mind about its true relevance to the paranormal community. By nature, a negative ion is a atom that carries an extra electron in it shell, and vice versa for a positive ion. Negative ion detection has been used in the investigative field due to a theory that there is an increase of those ions in the presence of a ghost. Let's ponder this. Air ionizers, which create an influx of negative ions, clean the air by utilizing the fact that opposite charges attract. Most allergens and particles in the air either have a neutral or positive ionic charge. The negative ions generated by the ionizer attach themselves to the positively charged particles, and make them heavy enough for gravity to have an effect on them. That is how they are eliminated from the air; they just fall to the ground. In that sense, if there was an influx of negative ions due to a spirit, would those ions not be bound by the same law and therefore be attracted to the pollen and dirt in the air? If so, wouldn't the best way to "cleanse" a haunted house be to pump in a bunch of positively charged dust? Imagine if your child didn't want to clean their room because "the dust keeps the boogieman away". Don't get me wrong, I am in no way trying to suggest that spirits are not comprised of some sort of energy. I just am not sure about the current method being utilized in an attempt to detect spectral phenomenon.

Visit The Paranormal Investigations Equipment Website HERE

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How To Be “Almost Sure” That You’Ve Captured An EVP

How To Be “Almost Sure” That You’Ve Captured An EVP

How To Be “Almost Sure” That You’Ve Captured An EVP

To gain more certainty that you’ve captured a real ambient EVP you need to analyze the track and it’s spectrum.
This exclusively regards the usage of digital recorders and not a ghost box.
I haven’t talked in a technical way for what concerns electronic voice phenomena, hence you can expect me to be more formal in this article.

I used to limit myself to saying that EVPs form out of the white noise either from a digital recorder or a from a radio.
We know that the human hear can listen to frequencies that vary between 20Hz and 20kHz (20,000).
Hz is the abbreviation for hertz which is the international standard unit measurement for frequency.
This range is to be taken as a given, it is also true that with the aging process some frequencies cannot be listened to anymore. What I used to be able to listen to when I was 7, now I unfortunately can’t listen to anymore.
It’s not that I’m becoming deaf, it’s just a natural degradational process that almost always take place (with just a few exceptions).

Making a distinction between ambient sounds and EVPs

Now, as an almost 60 years old researcher, if I were to be accompanied by a 20 years old, what can happen is that a direct voice or a contamination might present itself and I might not be aware of it, while the 20 years old should.
Normally an EVP is between the beginning of the audible and the sub-sound, within 15 and 25 hz.
In some cases it can form also between the audible and the ultra-sound, around 19,000 to 21,000 hz.
This requires that your digital recorder needs to have a sensitivity that contains these frequencies, otherwise they might be missed.
On the other hand you need to be sure that no contamination or direct voice was emitted when you were recording. Which brings out the inherent issue that we have concerning the deterioration of our hearing apparatus.

To be sure that you have captured and EVP it is mandatory that you take a look at the audio spectrum.
There is no other technical way.
Also, quite honestly we are very far away from defining the origin of an EVP, we can only limit ourselves to saying that they do exist and that they are a paranormal phenomena as much as they are real.
This is a simple test to show you how hearing works. Use headphones. Try to do the same test along with a younger or older person than you and write down at which frequency you start hearing something and when you stop. I start to hear something around 80 hz and can’t hear anything beyond 14,000 hz.

Yet although I may be able to recognize an EVP just by hearing it, experience taught me that no EVP is the same, an EVP can have peculiar and extremely rare features that might give me troubles in recognizing it, especially if sentient and not residual.

Our loved GhostArk is going to have two omnidirectional microphones tried and tested to have an actual minimum sensitivity starting from 15 hz, which is sub-sound, which is not audible no matter the age.
And trust me that is not something to be taken lightly.